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NewYork_NewJersey440 t1_j5mlfti wrote

As a whole, maybe I-176, it’s relatively empty of traffic. I-276 is probably the most well built interstate as a whole.

For individual sections, agree with 99 between Tyrone and State College. 81 between 78 and 80 can be pretty especially in the fall. 376 EB has the most dramatic entrance out of the Fort Pitt Tunnel. 76 between Carlisle and Breezewood can be scenic. I kind of like 80 between Clearfield and Milesburg too.

If we’re cheating with non-Interstate freeways, also agree US 15 north of Williamsport and US 322 between Potters Mills and Harrisburg are some of the best road scenery in the state. US 11/15 North between Duncannon and Selinsgrove has some nice river views in the morning. US 222 North has some nice views of Reading from afar too. And I love US 30 crossing the Susquehanna.