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Mr_Fraunces t1_j5m5nxb wrote

Do you think you might have a persecution complex?


NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5m8pfv wrote

Hey man.... I'm just a little perturbed. I saw something that stood out to me as an example of hypocrisy by the leftwing, so I tried to demonstrate exactly why I felt that way. I don't like when people basically look at something and go, "That's dumb," without telling me why they feel that way about something I feel differently about. I'm not saying it isn't your right to just dismiss whatever it is and walk away with, "That's dumb." If that's what you want to do, so be it, but then yeah, I'm going to get a little bit irritated that no one is conversing with me rather than just dismissing me. In many circles, outright dismissal (especially with negative feedback such as a simple Reddit downvote) is considered rude. Why does it surprise anyone to see me get a little heated when it seems people are being rude? Because I challenged your political position?

But yeah, so I tried to demonstrate my point as best I knew how (dripping with sarcasm), and not a single person there for a while wanted to do anything but just dismiss. I did react badly, but my reaction came after I had comments removed for seemingly no reason than strong language - the same strong language that came at me, so I thought it was acceptable.... I did post a meme to ask the same question, and that post disappeared from the sub, so I can only imagine it was moderator action.

Oh well, I was just here to discuss some politics and it sure seems I have caused some anger by simply challenging viewpoints. What a shame. I'm in no need of an online therapist though, so.....


Tony0502 t1_j5mci1a wrote

That’s dumb


NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5mx1h4 wrote

Okay, thanks for the valuable perspective! I'm sorry you feel that way. If you ever care to have an actual talk with me, hit me up. Otherwise, take your BS and piss off :)


its_laps t1_j5mgsz8 wrote

I assume you are an adult.

It’s not society’s or other people job to educate you every time you are wrong. Every. Single. Time. Some might consider that a handout of information, would that change your stance?

Maybe, before you formulate an opinion you should look at the points and facts from the other perspectives and sources instead of getting your view points and “facts” through a sad game of opinion telephone so by the time you hear the information it’s the shell of a zombie. Challenging viewpoints is not just regurgitating the first illogical thing that pops into your head.

Listen snowflake, I don’t know what makes you feel so entitled to other people having to answer and entertain your questions and then throw a temper tantrum when you get ignored.

Also, there is nothing wrong with online therapy or therapy in general. It would probably be useful in address your inflated sense of self purpose and toxic masculinity


NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5mymh3 wrote

It's absolutely not society's job. I am not setting up a "Come have a political fight with me" booth at your local mall. I came to a place, Reddit, that is intended for discussion, and within that place, I came to a specific place that is designed for discussion about something specific - Pennsylvania. Now, within this Pennsylvania subreddit, you often find political posts as well as photos of scenery and things like that. When I saw a political post and saw, within that political post on this Pennsylvania-dedicated forum, what seemed to be hypocrisy... I called it out. Now, I thought it seemed like a reasonable conclusion, if you will, that, being in this publicly accessible forum called Reddit, and on this specific Pennsylvania Subreddit, and specifically further on a political post.... I could expect someone to engage in a little bit of discussion about the subject. Instead, I got dismissal, and it seemed rather asinine, to me, that the liberally slanted political things always have a fair amount of upvotes and generate lots of burning torches and pitchfork-waving in the comments. For example, the post about the SUV selling loads of unvaccinated sperm had people all enraged over what the Op put in the title - Pennsyltuckyians (or however he spelled it). So, I just pointed out that it's not just your local-yocal hillbilly redneck Trump-hatter fellow that does dumb shit like put ridiculous bumper stickers on their vehicle. When most people look at a crowd of women with pink vagina hats on, it seems just as silly of a display as that bumper sticker. It's called perspective. You folks need it, badly. You do not ever consider a perspective that is not your own and by God, you sure are proud of your ignorance.

I have absolutely no idea in hell what you're on about with this game of opinion telephone, my man. I didn't formulate an opinions based on a game of telephone. If you point me to something specific I said instead of gesturing vaguely at the shadows, maybe I can help clarify.

Listen, snowflake, I don't know if you felt better calling me a snowflake and ranting about my temper tantrum, but I sure hope you did. Thanks for wasting your time to reply, I'm glad I've taken the time out of your day so you could express your rage lol


its_laps t1_j5mz4av wrote

Yeah I’m not reading that.


NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5n2myt wrote

Okay, kiddo. Well, I'm blocking you, because you're obviously not here in good faith lol I at least did you the courtesy of reading your BS and formulating an substantive reply to it. But you obviously have better things to do, so hopefully by blocking you, you'll not be distracted from those things.