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drewbaccaAWD t1_j5mn83h wrote

You could rewrite that and it's quite obvious what the issue is...

"I made a post attempting to pick fights on a political basis and it was removed!?!?"

This is a Pennsylvania sub, not a place for you to get your partisan dopamine rush. Yes, politics are inevitably going to creep into most discussions, but that's no reason to start that horse shit right out of the gate.


>but you have to accept big-people words - I'm not in your safe zone!

You clearly have zero interest in conversing with anyone in good faith. You just want to pick fights and spew insults.


NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5mznno wrote


I made a post attempting to pick a fight...... politics are "inevitably going to creep into most discussions...." okay...... "but that's no reason to start that horse shit right out of the gate." My brother in Christ, this started because of comments on a post someone else made first that was entitled with the word "Pennsyltuckian" with a bumper sticker about vaccinations. And you're accusing me of coming out of the starting gate with political horse shit? I just don't want to straw man you before I say how absolutely asinine that position would be.