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BOKEH_BALLS t1_j6tx7qx wrote

Landlords are the lowest parasites in society and I do not feel bad for her at all, especially since she tried to illegally remove someone from a property.


ricel_x t1_j6ymbl1 wrote

Why is that? If someone was renting a room in your house, refused to pay you rent after you agreed, would you let them stay?


BOKEH_BALLS t1_j6yn4ko wrote

I would never become the lowest leech on society not even at gunpoint.


barsoapguy t1_j76pyu5 wrote

Your point of view are why rents are so high and fewer and fewer small home owners with second homes or even primary residents will even rent anymore.


BOKEH_BALLS t1_j77r76w wrote

Yes I am the reason not the large property conglomerates buying up condemned homes for pennies on the dollar and flipping them for insane amounts of rent.


barsoapguy t1_j77wq7a wrote

And whereas the issue there ? Were other people going to be living inside of condemned houses ?