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kyle_spectrum t1_j6u8y2w wrote

Castle doctrine applies here. Duty to retreat is only for out of home cases


StreetStatistician t1_j6v35o7 wrote

Even if RI was among the states and countries where there is some degree of duty to retreat even in cases of a home invasion but of course there actually has to be a safe route of retreat which I'm guessing was not the case here.


degggendorf t1_j6u94uj wrote

Ah got it, thanks for the correction.


kyle_spectrum t1_j6u9hub wrote

I'm a liberal myself I'm sure you are aswell. You should look into r/liberalgunowners. It will open your eyes to see not everyone who wants a gun is a deranged killer. First of all it's a right not a privilege like driving is. And 2nd we've seen how some states little by little have been eroding rights. I would also check into the court case that says police have no duty to protect citizens. At the end of the day your life and your families life is in your hands.


degggendorf t1_j6u9r1k wrote

Erm, what? Do you have me confused for someone else? I don't remotely believe anyone with a gun is a deranged killer, and I can't imagine I've implied that anywhere either.


kyle_spectrum t1_j6ua4h8 wrote

No your the person who said these laws should be enforced unless my app is acting up.


degggendorf t1_j6ub516 wrote

I said it's too bad they didn't stop a killing, yes.

I am not sure how that means that I also think all owners are deranged killers or anything else you said.


astrangeday13 t1_j6ucgha wrote

I thought Castle law only applied to the occupant, not the owner but I could be wrong.


kyle_spectrum t1_j6ud3qk wrote

Right. The tenant has he castle doctrine right not the landlord


kyle_spectrum t1_j6ud8gh wrote

Right. The tenant has he castle doctrine right not the landlord