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deadl0ckx2 t1_j72d1pj wrote

It’s not called the bucket for nothing.


TheArts t1_j72lrgu wrote

Was showing some out of state friends the area, they all kept gasping and pointing at the trash everywhere. 🤷‍♂️

I had to keep saying "oh don't mind that... It's really a nice place 🙄"


blitzkreigbop9 t1_j72neyl wrote

If you look at the top part of those overpasses it’s pretty evident people are living under them


[deleted] t1_j72oe2z wrote

It’s been like that since last spring. I think it’s been used to camp. Haven’t seen anyone there since October though. Hopefully it gets cleaned up, the trash/debris was slowly making its way onto 95.


Thac0 t1_j72pqoj wrote

The town could remove the trash mayhaps?!


mopar401 t1_j72qt5d wrote

If you're going to post a photo of Gov McKee then at least identify him by name.


TzarKazm t1_j72s09w wrote

Let's not get crazy here. First we would have to commission a study. Then put out a bid. Then debate it at a town council meeting. Then request a special tax to be voted on. Then find somebody's brother in law that owns a company.

Do you even Rhode Island?


Diligent-Pizza8128 t1_j72yb2s wrote

It’s state land, so it’s Rhode Island Department of Transportation responsibility. Doesn’t seem very safe for regular people without safety equipment or vehicles to be out there doing this.


Keelija9000 t1_j733fs4 wrote

Disgusting that we complain about the trash the homeless leave behind instead of the fact that people are living under highway overpasses.


Keelija9000 t1_j733uoc wrote

Right! it’s not like the city sends these homeless folk trash and recycling bins to put their waste in. What would anyone else do in that circumstance?

I personally would say fuck the world and leave my shit everywhere. Am I expected to buy trash bags and bring my garbage to the landfill myself?


werewolfmanjack t1_j733vwj wrote

I always love the juxtaposition of the “keep our Rhodes clean” sign about 100 feet down the road if you’re going south.


brick1972 t1_j734e6y wrote

There is definitely some trash from transients / unhomed people but while broken windows is a kind of shit ideology to justify gentrification, it also has some points. Once trash builds up every dude with a fucking pickup says "let me just throw my shit over here noone cares."


darekta t1_j73eb1w wrote

There was a green chest near the bus stop there. I drove past and saw a guy taking a shit in it


CultureCharacter2621 t1_j73gnsa wrote

I work in the area, that's trash/ materials from the homeless people who live directly under the bridge. They made DIY wood houses under there and have been living under there for months. No judgement, it must be a wretched existence and I wouldn't last 2 hours on a day like today if I was in their shoes. Terrible.


Spaday20 t1_j73tuek wrote

The mayor of Pawtucket was working to move this person to a shelter and the state will come in to clean the mess up.


[deleted] t1_j73v834 wrote

The difficult part is making sure that access is restricted but people always find a way


barsoapguy t1_j74ojsb wrote

Their building more mental institutions right ? That’s definitely the way to do it , the federal government should be helping, states can’t be expected to shoulder the burden alone.