swan_fake t1_j9qm1g3 wrote
Consider the two states department of ed. laws and regulations for special ed
https://www.doe.mass.edu/lawsregs/603cmr28.html?section=all MA
https://www.ride.ri.gov/StudentsFamilies/SpecialEducation/SpecialEducationRegulations.aspx RI
[deleted] OP t1_j9qovt7 wrote
swan_fake t1_j9qqplc wrote
Private schools (out of district) that ive worked in do provide speech over 9, but the most recent article I found says it was headed to the governor,so I'm not sure for RI public school🤔
You can also find info on each school districts websites about their special ed programs. https://www.rilegislature.gov/pressrelease/_layouts/RIL.PressRelease.ListStructure/Forms/DisplayForm.aspx?List=c8baae31%2D3c10%2D431c%2D8dcd%2D9dbbe21ce3e9&ID=372811&Web=2bab1515%2D0dcc%2D4176%2Da2f8%2D8d4beebdf488
[deleted] OP t1_j9qybhb wrote
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