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vesselgroans t1_j9lbd8s wrote

There's so much good food in Warren: Metacom Kitchen and Bywater if you're adventurous foodies who want a unique dining experience. Revival or Hunky Dory if you want something more classic and familiar, but still outstanding. Square Peg and Chomp if you want to gorge yourself on some good Pub food.

Guisto in Newport has a fantastic tasting menu and is such a good twist on classic Italian fare. Thames Street Kitchen in Newps is also phenomenal.

In the city, my favorites are New Rivers, Oberlin, Persimmon.

ETA: Bayberry Garden and Bayberry Beer Hall!! How could I forget. Very different experiences from the two and I recommend the garden for a date.


idkwhatimdoing25 t1_j9llcvn wrote

I second all the spots in Warren! An underrated food scene, it really surprised me for a such a small town.


GoldenRedhead t1_j9mke2n wrote

I second Guisto! My husband and I went there on our anniversary trip, and it was wonderful.


Curioso38 t1_j9oaf2n wrote

Waterdog in Warren is amazing and the best in Warren. Lounge is cool for a drink and to see how they made it work in a historic house is a trip.


nickf517 t1_j9oeveq wrote

This. Totally impressed by Waterdog, great atmosphere, drinks, and food.


Simusid t1_j9pj6s9 wrote

How is Traffords now that it has reopened?