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listen_youse t1_j8df72g wrote

Every time I hear talk about ROI wrt education I cringe.

Think hard about what education you would pursue if you had a guaranteed income for life so you could work at whatever you want or not at all. Would you forego education? If yes then ROI is all you need to consider when you go to college. Otherwise put that dream education first, ROI second. If RIC offers what you want, you are lucky.

You are a human being, not a corporation, a brand or a financial instrument.


Sarcofaygo t1_j8ewrl5 wrote

>You are a human being, not a corporation, a brand or a financial instrument.

Being a human doesn't pay the bills tho does it


SeanRobertsFerngully t1_j8ywyq9 wrote

Sure doesn't. Id rather do a job I tolerate and be able to enjoy my free time and the money I made vs a job I love and have to pick up a second job that I hate.