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User0098237490 t1_j8bsf0c wrote

A lot of detailing places offer hand wash services that won’t scratch the paint or leave swirls. Check around.


Wills1211 OP t1_j8bsr33 wrote

Yea I guess I want something that's quick and less costly than a full on detail


User0098237490 t1_j8bsz6v wrote

That is literally what I just described to you…


Wills1211 OP t1_j8bt639 wrote

While not recommending a single

I want a place someone has gone to and swears by.


User0098237490 t1_j8btnxm wrote

I’ve gone to Paiva’s auto detailing in Warwick to get some paint correction done and my car came back looking better than new.

I just don’t know if they offer a service like the one I said. You’ll have to check their website.