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ConquestOfPizzaTime t1_ja0674a wrote

prices going up creates a rise in evictions and homelessness so yeah.


degggendorf t1_ja0a1xx wrote


Then there's no net change to housing shortage. One party kicked out makes the unit available for an equivalent party to move in.


That's a reduction in demand if someone who would be living in a unit isn't.


ConquestOfPizzaTime t1_ja1fp5r wrote

It's not about supply vs demand. People need housing and are being pushed out by rising costs of living. that's the housing crisis.


degggendorf t1_ja1m3oe wrote

You said "housing shortage" in the comment I replied to.


ConquestOfPizzaTime t1_ja1nbkp wrote



degggendorf t1_ja1o5fu wrote

Okay, words have no meaning to you, noted.


[deleted] t1_ja1uvlj wrote



degggendorf t1_ja2ren3 wrote

It kinda seems like your inability to explain your logic, then falling back onto saying that words have no meaning is you coping. I'm just trying to understand what you're trying to say, I'm not sure what coping I would be doing.


ConquestOfPizzaTime t1_ja2vtpy wrote

The breakdown is just the fact that I misused a single word so in good faith I'll just take that L. I was also very very tired at the time.