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klasbatalo t1_ja2u3hx wrote

People don’t sign month to month leases they are just told if you don’t do this I’ll terminate your tenancy. Most are economically compelled into that position. And yea maybe if you are a white or middle class tenant with a lawyer you’ll get a stay, but if you are a POC mom with no lawyer who doesn’t know her rights etc sorry but we see a lot of these evictions go down. We have a crisis of the abuse and misuse of these laws.


Substantial_Maybe_67 t1_ja2uaku wrote

Absolutely wrong. If you don’t sign a lease, then you know you have basically no rights to that property. I have been to dozens of eviction hearings. You don’t need a lawyer to ask the judge for leniency. I’ve seen additional time given for tenants who were 3+ months behind on rent and didn’t have an attorney representing them.


klasbatalo t1_ja2ux2m wrote

This whole past year has been a crisis of landlords price gouging giving a months notice of unaffordable rent increases and then when tenant can’t agree cuz they don’t get a raise at work or can’t find a second, third job they get a 30 day notice of termination of periodic tenancy telling them sorry but you are too poor I’d prefer a richer tenant get out in the street please.


LuckyStriker86 t1_ja2y55b wrote

Actually I'm pretty sure there is a law in place already limiting the amount rent can increase in a given period of time. Like 5 or 10% or something


klasbatalo t1_ja2y8k7 wrote

There is not. In some states there is rent control but RI doesn’t have rent control.


Silly_Brilliant868 t1_ja49q6s wrote

I mean the whole time during Covid was tenants not paying because there was an eviction moratorium … it goes both ways. Tenants take advantage of things they same way landlords do


klasbatalo t1_ja4bq5f wrote

Nah most landlords found a way to evict people for reasons other than non payment also most tenants who did use the moratorium got rent relief which was a landlord bailout.


klasbatalo t1_ja2uojc wrote

Listen I’m not saying stays of eviction never happen. All I’m saying is most tenants don’t have a choice if they will sign a lease or not. They are too poor to say no to landlords who either don’t offer them at all or won’t offer a new year to year as standard practice and tell tenants after the first year is over they will move to month to month. I mean god most leases used in Rhode Island it’s practically standard at this point have a clause or provision which signals an automatic switch after a year, to only month to month. Just like many are forced to work at jobs they despise, jobs that abuse them, out of sheer economic desperation many many tenants (the same workers) are basically forced to rent from slumlords and other slimy landlords who don’t provide fair rental contracts. These tenants need to unionize just like workers unionize.