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radioflea t1_j8v2sww wrote

For anyone wondering we have three self direction programs in the state of Rhode Island.

  • Shared Provider Living
  • Personal Choice
  • Independent Provider

Each provide HCBS and slightly different guidelines.

You can learn about each of these programs via DHS and EOHHS.

#TheMoreYouKnow 🌈✨


Dismal_Exchange1799 OP t1_j8v33dr wrote

Thank you! I did see those on the site I just wasn’t sure if anyone had any personal experience. It’s good to hear them come up. I’m concerned with people saying there’s a huge wait time. In PA I was able to get on right away. From my understanding, my states have medically needy programs, but people saying RI is a mess in this sense has me a tad concerned.

I will definitely call to get more info.


radioflea t1_j8v3y8v wrote

I am knowledgeable on all three programs, but the best advice I have to any LTSS applicants is to make sure that you have assistance when filling out your application because it is quite lengthy.

One of the three programs has a state wide registry, and I believe the others are looking into also building a registry.

Some states do self direction care better than others because they’ve been doing it for a longer period of time.

If you are looking to move to Rhode Island, and would be seeking independent care, I would also suggest moving to one of the more populated cities because you will have a better opportunity of aligning with a caregiver.


Dismal_Exchange1799 OP t1_j8v4cds wrote

Yess to all of the above. I will be bringing someone with me when I move who can work some of the care hours I receive— not all since I need 24 hours. So that’s a huge plus. This person helped me fill out my app in PA. Providence is where I’d want to be so I’m hoping finding care there would be easier than in a smaller city.

It’s really great to chat with someone who knows the system. I’ve learned the PA system in and out so it’s a challenge learning a new one.


radioflea t1_j8v4jx5 wrote

Excellent! I wish you lots of luck with your application process and just keep in mind once you get here because we are live shoulder to shoulder it will be relatively easy to bring on additional caregivers.