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Geri-psychiatrist-RI t1_jdes73h wrote

Ummmmmmmmm, no. I never even heard of Dels until I moved to RI

Seriously, as someone who was born and raised in St. Louis the only two things/brands that people would recognize are Family Guy and Hasbro toys

Edit note: I didn’t mention CVS. Everyone will recognize that brand


Riff_Raff66 t1_jdew144 wrote



Pdmnt t1_jdf00hm wrote

To your credit, it's in a ton of states so it is recognizable, just not as much as stuff like family guy, etc


Riff_Raff66 t1_jdf1vto wrote

I recently read here some people got it in Florida and somewhere out west


Riff_Raff66 t1_jdf25c2 wrote

Del's is a brand of frozen lemonade typically found in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts during the summer months. Del's lemonade is available in 20 states. Frozen lemonade is a kind of slush. It is made from water, concentrate, and real lemons in an ice cream machine.


Pdmnt t1_jdfagy4 wrote

Their website (at one point, at least) had a listing of every state. I remember Las Vegas was one place, and I've seen it in Cary, NC, which is a major New England transplant city


Riff_Raff66 t1_jdf2ebw wrote

Ummmmmmm, 20 other states. I just guess not Missouri