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20_Twinty t1_jb5205o wrote

Reply to comment by OhItsNotJoe in Night life by [deleted]

Broadly generalizing 400,000 people based on their uniform is probably the dumbest fucking thing you could do. I bet you don’t even have 10 friends, but intricately know all 400k police officers and their ethical and moral compass? You have to be a true smooth brain to be this easily manipulated.


whatsaphoto t1_jb5kb4g wrote

Even small town John Laws out there are associated with a larger system that is spectacularly underregulated, overfunded and wildly undertrained and leads to the death of ~1,200 people per year.

That's a growing average of 1,200 people every single year killed by cops who decided to take the US justice system into their own hands in order to be judge, jury and executioner. If you aren't actively speaking up against this clear and present danger to communities across the US, it doesn't matter how much of a good cop you think you are - you're part of the problem and are indeed quite the bastard.