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omjy18 t1_jdw2q2m wrote

So apparently, from what ive heard it was a building permit to build something where the old gas station was and the town council said no so he put that up. I honestly thought it was a portsmouth vs middletown highschool rivalry thing for the longest time since it kinda looks like a teenager put it up


SomeGuyFromRI t1_jdwh6ne wrote

Yeah Im not exactly sure what the original issue was but I am pretty sure the original FU sign was on Bristol Ferry and the town ordered him to take it down because it was vulgar etc.. There wad a court case and the aclu defended him on free speech grounds. And when he won that, he bought thst old gas station and let his freak flag fly.

Never forget the ones screaming about the loss of "family values" , also have Fuck "everyone" on flags for my kids to read.