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beta_vulgaris t1_jdsopta wrote

The old Sunoco station is such a waste of prime retail space in the heart of a historic village.


MahBoy t1_jdtbeqf wrote

I would love to see the streetcar network revitalized. In my opinion, a light rail network powered by solar energy with intermediate bus service would be ideal for managing the public transportation needs of Rhode Island.


rye8901 t1_jdtedr6 wrote

Decline of civilization in one pic


AhChingados t1_jdtpmbt wrote

This reminds me of a 100 year old man whom I met on Academy Ave in Providence (around Elmhurst). He told me his father built the house where he lives and that when he was a kid you couldn’t see the next house. When the mail came, especially on winter, they would leave the mail in a mailbox at the beginning of the street. It wouldn’t go home by home because the wheels of the horse carriage would get stuck in the mud. Love this kind of stuff


_JMBJMBJMB_ t1_jdv88jc wrote

I don't understand all of the negativity in these comments. I live in the village (you can actually see my house in this photo). It is a great place, just cause the old image has more houses in it's frame doesn't mean anything. People are so jaded.


BrunzFan t1_jdvajzj wrote

I assume "now" is a relative term considering the gas prices at that Sunoco station lol. ($2.39/gal if you zoom in)


jamuraa t1_jdvanvk wrote

It's worse than 2017 now, the tree in front of the coffee shop had to be removed. 😫

You can take a bus there instead of the trolley.. it comes every 45-60 minutes. 😪


WikiSummarizerBot t1_jdw2upx wrote

United Electric Railways

>The United Electric Railways Company (UER) was the Providence-based operator of the system of interurban streetcars, trolleybuses, and trolley freight in the state of Rhode Island in the early- to mid-twentieth century. The UER was chartered in 1919, after the previous operator of the streetcar, the Rhode Island Company, went into temporary receivership. The company was placed under the control of the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission upon inception, in an effort to limit the impact to service in the event of financial difficulties.

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laterbacon t1_jdwbrhr wrote

The R-Line should be an electric tram and there should be a matching east-west R-Line that goes from the Hartford section of Providence through Olneyville, down Broadway, through downtown, then using the transit tunnel and continuing through Wayland Square over the Henderson Bridge to East Providence. In real dollars it would be really expensive but the benefits would be huge.

Something that wouldn't be nearly as ambitious or expensive would be bus lanes, especially for the R Line on North Main Street. I hate that a bus full of people is subject to traffic delays from congestion caused mostly by single occupancy vehicles. We also need bus lanes on Charles Street at least from Orms Street to Silver Spring.


Few_Amoeba_2536 t1_jdwuf4e wrote

Yeah, fuck public transit and bicycles. This was definitely the right call...


beta_vulgaris t1_jdxcpya wrote

Oh, yeah, don't get me wrong - the business has a great reputation in the village!

The building and giant empty parking lot are just extremely unattractive, especially in the heart of a historic village.


Osburg t1_jdy2ggl wrote

Isn’t this a prostitution street now?


_JMBJMBJMB_ t1_je0aa7x wrote

Maybe some more foliage could be added to help curb the harsh parking lot and such. That business has been there for a long time, my father's first job was at that garage. In my mind, it's a staple in the village.


GhostOpera406 t1_je4uy3q wrote

The top is what folks call a "15 minute city" - there's walkability and community. The bottom is what folks call "freedom" - where you must have a vehicle to get basic groceries.