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bunnybates OP t1_jdyo09x wrote

I couldn't take my dog with me because I'd be so worried about her. She went to the beach once and got sand fleas. So nope! I take her to friends' houses with dogs for her enrichment and fun doggy time.

Ticks make my skin crawl, I hate the little fuckers!


RandomChurn t1_jdznj93 wrote

>Ticks make my skin crawl, I hate the little fuckers!

Same: I'm phobic-ick! ick! ick! (also leeches and those worms that come down on threads ICK!)

Haha that said, I love walks and trails!

Years ago I bought a book, "Walks and Rambles in Rhode Island" and it's fantastic! It has at least a dozen, all mapped and described and rated for time and difficulty and describes what each one offers in terms of sights or animals (seals, birds, etc)

Unreservedly recommend!


bunnybates OP t1_je0m423 wrote

Wait..... 🤚.... worms that come down on threads...😳. New fear unlocked.

Thanks, my list is getting so full.