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abaum525 t1_jchdf3h wrote

How the replies in this thread will go:

  • The problem is that there's not enough housing, we need to change rules to allow more housing to be built.
  • The new housing won't be affordable housing, it will be luxury housing. This won't fix the issue since people will still be paying a high percentage of their income on rent.
  • The new luxury housing will allow people to move out of their current less luxurious housing, opening it up for other people to rent it at a lower rate.
  • Landlords will jack up the prices of those apartments too since the demand will allow it. In turn, there's still no affordable housing.

Rinse and repeat.


OrdersFriesEveryTime t1_jchswb0 wrote

“bUt iT’s BaSiC eCoNoMiCs”

-the people on this sub obsessed with Fane Tower


Moelarrycheeze t1_jcheffj wrote

You forgot to add that the world is overpopulated


abaum525 t1_jcheu6w wrote

I also forgot to mention that transplants from out of state are part of the problem.

Edit - I should say this isn't my perspective, but it's another reply that someone else will make in the thread.


[deleted] t1_jchrqlr wrote

16th generation Rhode Islander here. They are the fucking problem.
