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bosmacks t1_je4mapf wrote

There really needs to be a ban on these things, for so many reasons.


khais t1_je4nkya wrote

Put a 5c deposit on them like Maine does and at least some portion of them will get returned.


Bronnakus t1_je4pzsk wrote

the proposal is 25 cent deposit. shit for 25 cents each i could go to east providence and make this a full time job


Doza13 t1_je4qfg0 wrote

$21,000 in that picture.


Bronnakus t1_je4sw3o wrote

i don't imagine it took 8 hours a day for 90 straight days to collect all of these, but hell even if it did that's nearly 30 bucks an hour


_CaesarAugustus_ t1_je4q5qe wrote

Nailed it. And I’d rather that than continue this god awful nip culture.


citrus_mystic t1_je5fpj6 wrote

Something needs to change, but if they ban nips, I really hope they increase services for people struggling with alcoholism.

There are a lot of folks who use nips to keep the side effects of their addiction at bay, while being able to better control how much alcohol they’re consuming. Get rid of nips and people are going to have to buy the bigger bottles. Addicts aren’t particularly known for their self control and I could see a lot of alcoholics ending up drinking even more if nips are taken off the market.

A lot of people don’t have much empathy for addicts and alcoholics, which I can understand, but my concern is that getting rid of nips may result in folks drinking more than they would of nips were available. More drunk people out there and on the road…


JimmyHavok t1_je85np2 wrote

I see little piles of nips in the gutter. 3 or 5 nips isn't control, it's concealment.


citrus_mystic t1_je865eo wrote

When the alternative is a pint (edit: or a half pint) it’s much easier to limit or spread out consumption with single serving nips. A pint contains 10 servings of 1.5 ounce shots.