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redd-this t1_je0p1gu wrote

Now please delete this post so the best kept secret of the Boston commute doesn’t explode. The parking is so nice right now lol.


boulevardofdef OP t1_je0rm82 wrote

The funny thing is I live near TF Green but have generally found it's a better idea to drive to a station further north. Saves time and money, in this case including parking costs.


redd-this t1_je0sibe wrote

That’s funny there’s someone I work with that lives closer to you but she’s been coming up to Pawtucket, too. It’s a really nice option!


SeanRobertsFerngully t1_je1tkti wrote

I usually go out of wickford. Free parking and covered garage. But not that many trains to and from


boulevardofdef OP t1_je1tt7h wrote

I've never been able to justify Wickford. Just too long a trip into Boston.


FAYCSB t1_je27fis wrote

I used to drive from URI to Attleboro, but when they opened up Wickford I couldn’t resist the free parking. Also I was poor.


fishythepete t1_je1nnx7 wrote

Lol went for the first time in a while a few weeks ago and was wondering if I should give this a shot but as always was running late and went for the sure thing.