Submitted by mooscaretaker t3_ydzdtb in RhodeIsland
AdmirablePiccolo t1_itzs9oe wrote
Young people who don't vote are entitled morons who are getting the America they deserve because they can't do the bare minimum of showing up to a poll box let alone campaigning for anyone that they actually think represents their views. It amazes me how many people my age I see who say that oh no Bernie got cheated or whatever bullshit when half of them didn't show up to vote and all they do is sit in their own echo chambers all day and assume that most Americans hold the same views that they do. They don't recognize the importance of local elections and how much of an impact even the smallest School board race can have on a macro scale. They want the instant gratification of immediate change without having any understanding of how our American system of government actually operates whether it's just or not.
If you ever work on a campaign you'll realize that in local races and even in a state senate race most of the time you'll have a maximum of like five volunteers and for city stuff you might be the only person who bothers to show up. Literally all you have to do is put aside some time after work to go knock doors or make phone calls to make a measurable difference in the outcome of an election, and you can work on multiple campaigns at once of your candidate has a coalition of others who are also running. You need to try amd sway primary elections first and foremost. Your vote alone won't swing an election, but in many many many cases, your help on a campaign alone as a sole additional volunteer can easily swing a race or even multiple races. Don't tell me you don't have time if you spend your free time bitching about politics on Reddit or Twitter.
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