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buddhamanjpb t1_ir6w0fj wrote

Lower income folks will get a larger credit to use for the year to help with electric bills. Someone I know who is on SSDI is getting an additional $650 for the year.

Yes, the middle class are getting screwed per usual. We make too much to get assistance, and we we make too little for it not effect our wallets.

Not sure what will happen in Spring.


Rhodysurf t1_ir7dntx wrote

Yes the rates typically increase in the fall and decrease in the summer


SweatyCockroach8212 t1_ir7h553 wrote

Yes, those who don't qualify for assistance will pay the higher rates. We don't know yet about rates for next year. It's spiked so much in part due to Russia being a major provider of the world's natural gas supply and that's gone from the market, so everyone else has fewer sources to buy from, which increases rates. And RI electricity is generated from about 80% natural gas sources. So if ol' Vlad chills out over there and the market opens up again, we could see rates go down. If crazier things happen, they could go up further.


Greggscottpub2019 t1_ir8r3j8 wrote

We all are going to be paying 50% higher electric bills from here going forward.

No matter what your usage or income is…

Even if your income is below poverty level…

However, if your income is below “X” amount, there is a TEMPORARY subsidy available until next Springtime. But it’s a subsidy…

Meaning it’s offset by every other person paying the higher rates that do not qualify for a taxpayer funded subsidy. Bottom line is that all Rhode Islanders that pay utility bills are getting screwed, no matter what your income is…

And that should be important…

Why does RI have the most expensive electricity in the country?!?

Forget about income…

Why is electricity more expensive here?

Pay attention TO THAT.

Let’s change THAT!


Wide_Television_7074 t1_ir8t28c wrote

Biden admin has limited gas leases which has reduced production over the last 18 months — if we approved just 10% of applications, we would have a glut of gas. Especially considering that the Freeport LNG export facility is down on maintenance - which represents 20% of export capacity. Once that starts up this month, we are f*cked.


HiHo-Silver t1_ir8x1xd wrote

This right here. Biden is killing our energy production. The Saudi’s and Russians just nailed us again. Cutting opec production. Biden is not respected by the world. We were energy independent with very little inflation now it’s a shit show with this guy.


glennjersey t1_ir9et0r wrote

Of course we are. We're going to be the ones paying for it all as usual.


TheOGJayRussle t1_ir9kf7n wrote

What’s considered low income during inflation and a recessive, seems bias, aren’t we about equality these days, we’re all struggling, I wonder if we can sue the state for not offer help to all its citizens.


Frosty-Vegetable-385 t1_ir9n3di wrote

If RI really wanted to get ahead, we’d look into creating alternative energy sources right here. There are less than 100 years (max) of natural gas left in the entire world if we continue to use it at current consumption rates. And the cost of that will just continue to go up as supply dwindles.


Seawookiee t1_ir9qlov wrote

Saudi Arabia just helped to keep those rates high for a long time to come. Remember the real cheap gas, that was a production "war" between the Saudis and the Russians that busted our oil production. Just in time for the invasion of Ukraine, now they cut production to raise pricing which helps Russia. Presidents usually do not have a hand in oil prices except with the release of the petroleum reserves, Biden and other world leaders did what they should have and released them this "angered" the kingdom and they +Russia cut production. Now Biden needs to cut them off, help the 9/11 families sue them and expose them for the criminals they are. We spilled RI blood defending them and they always seem to get a free pass when they go against the world to line their pockets. Prices are global unless you have a private well and processing facility you pay the world price.


godmode33 t1_iraiqex wrote

We (the US) have the largest reserves of natural gas and oil ON THE PLANET. It should be cheaper here than anywhere else, like pennies on the ton. The people that are doing this to you are doing it by choice. Your just not the one choosing.


TheOGJayRussle t1_ircm2rj wrote

As far as I can tell the government caused it, they gave away a bunch of money, they put a choke hold on fossil fuels, and then they raised interest rates, fuck them they need to pick up the tab!


barsoapguy t1_ircml44 wrote

Well bro take a look in the mirror , you’re part of the government. When it comes to tax payer money there isn’t a magic fairy that bestows money that doesn’t have to be paid back someday .