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sonicfan236 t1_iub3xfr wrote


KennyWuKanYuen t1_iub4ylv wrote

I just tried it. What you’re claiming is bullshit. The fact that OP would’ve been able to keep their phone stable, zoom in,and snap the photo all while driving is unlikely.

Learn camera perspectives. It’s clearly biased towards the passenger seat.

The lines also give it away too. The lines on the right are in a straighter orientation while the lines on the left are at an angle. 🤦‍♂️


sonicfan236 t1_iubj611 wrote

Imagine giving this much of a damn about the direction of camera was in when it took a shot? Get a damn life dude.

EDIT: Petty as shit for the downvote. You live a sad life and have my condolences.