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Sparkleshart t1_iuftitw wrote

Not sure why you’re so hell bent on arguing the semantics of it as it wouldn’t apply to OP regardless, but all media and official messaging form the program lists the end as of June 1.


DisastrousFudge3593 t1_iuftndd wrote


snicklefrizz t1_iugmcbp wrote

You’re incorrect. I found some help through the program. They stopped accepting applications as of June 1 and the September 30 date listed on the website linked was to inform any and all applicants that all final decisions regarding relief benefits would be made by that date. Pretty much every employee tied to the program had left the building, and in most instances, the state of RI after October 1. If you don’t believe me, try calling RI Housing for verification instead of telling people to “look it up instead of arguing something your (sic) wrong about” … that is… unless you’re just that form of RI momo that just insists that whatever diarrhea of a thought that comes out of your feeble mind is absolute truth. Then, God help you. Cement shoes and the Crook Point Bridge are probably your best option.