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rhodyjourno OP t1_is75twd wrote

DETAILS: Back in the day, Republican gubernatorial candidate Ashley Kalus was a serious boxer. She even won a Golden Gloves championship in 2001. These days, she trains at a gym in West Warwick. My colleague Ed Fitzpatruck, a political reporter at the Boston Globe's Rhode Island Bureau, dropped by to learn a few moves from Kalus's coach – and to let her take a swing at some policy questions.






Mortal-Cynical-42 t1_is8mjsf wrote

Wow real cool because I’d love the chance to punch her in the face, in the ring of course


Proof-Variation7005 t1_isb0sci wrote

In "Married with Children", there was running joke about how Al Bundy was obsessed with how he scored 4 touchdowns in one high school football game 20+ years ago. The other characters and the audience openly laughed at how pathetic it was to hold onto this achievement and pretend it had any meaning as an adult.

How is this golden gloves thing for Kalus any different? Why are we giving any level of credit or reverence for being the best female teenage boxer 20+ years ago (before the explosion of MMA and women's sports in general)?


thehillshaveI t1_iscvoln wrote

the only "positive" things i know about this woman are that she boxes and that her child would like her to be governor.


Competitive-Ad-5153 t1_isflkrw wrote

She really provided nothing new except highlighting her boxing stint and how it helped her change her life when she was young. The dodging she did while being interviewed was on topics such as liking DeSantis, and abortion rights. McKee could answer those in his sleep... Looking forward to next week's episode.


The_Dream_of_Shadows t1_isgdvjd wrote

I hate it when politicians use their kids as political mouthpieces. It was bad enough when Gina did that ad with her and her kids on the bikes talking about schools and shit. Seeing this poor kid being forced to talk about how Dan McKee and Joe Biden are ruining America is just sad. He's too young to be involved in this crap, and the fact that it's his own mother exploiting him--and very likely opening him up to a lot of bullying, due to the fact that his mom's opinions are not in vogue around here--just makes it worse.

I don't care if you want to show them or something, but for God's sake, don't have them say anything. Let them keep their innocence for a bit...


Bflorp t1_isgw9xj wrote

Why don’t you look into why she obviously has had her internet history stripped? Multiple search engines find next to NOTHING about her before early 2022. Especially nothing prior to 2020.

No HS photos. No statements from old friends about what a great gal she is. No comments from longtime employees or business partners about her talents. Digging in it seems she and/or parents lived in scituate, cohasset, and ? Maybe san diego. She’s like a phantom.

I smell a grifter, and that includes her husband, especially after he married her in 2009.

Also, I searched the FEC site for donations by either her or her husband to ANY candidates for federal office back to 2015– I found NOTHING except 2022 donations to Alan Fung.

She worked for Illinois governor Bruce Rauner. Why isn’t she highlighting that? Anything to do with the $1 million fine his campaign was hit with for illegal calls?

“Ashley Kalus, Coalitions Coordinator

Ashley Kalus most recently served as Coalitions Coordinator for Citizens for Rauner, Inc. Before joining Rauner, Ashley spent 5 years directing operations and strategy for a group of medical businesses, as well as leading an early stage medical device company. Prior to that, Ashley worked as a consultant at Accenture. She holds graduate degrees from the London School of Economics and Columbia University in public administration with a focus on economic and security policy.”


mkmck t1_isj57a3 wrote

People like Ashley Transplant will do anything to anyone in order to get elected. Too bad there isn't anything she can do that will win her this election. Go back where you came from, you Trumpsucking tw@t