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thehillshaveI t1_isxbwea wrote

next week allan fung is having a fundraiser hosted by a republican representative who speaks at white nationalist conferences and once favorably compared himself to david duke

this is our "moderate republican" choice


trabblepvd t1_it2g9zi wrote

Steve Scalise was almost taken out by a democrat terrorist at a Senate baseball game along with other republican senators. God Bless Steve Scalise.


thehillshaveI t1_it2grj7 wrote

amazingly steve scalise being shot does nothing to change the fact that he's favorably compared himself to the former grand dragon of the kkk and gave speeches to white nationalist organizations

idk if you believe being shot erases decades of blatant racism, but that's not actually how morality works!


dman_usa t1_isxlfxe wrote

LMFAOOOOO yall still pushing that propaganda?
