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southofthetower t1_iunort6 wrote

a POW/MIA flag... how about honoring those that fought to YOU can fly that flag?


dollrussian t1_iunoyhv wrote

I have no issues with that. Look at you pulling shit out of your ass to prove a point that doesn’t exist. Touch grass


NoraVoid t1_iuoisjw wrote

Ah yes, gotta honor those people who went and invaded other countries to make ours richer. Fuck those murderers. I don't fly flags for killers. I'd much rather fly a flag that represents love and life.


southofthetower t1_iuqxx0q wrote

wow... you realize because of those "murders" you are ABLE to fly your flag. it's a shame that you have been so indoctrinated to hate your past. YOu think those men wanted to fight? there were not given a choice. I bet you could not fight your way out of a wet paper bag if you tried. if so angry, why not leave USA? I also find it very hypicrital as your typing this from an electrical device made from slave labor.


NoraVoid t1_iur168u wrote

Name one time that America has had to defend her freedoms from another country.

Middle East: Destabilizing the area for oil and then a disproportionate response to a terrorist attack.

Vietnam and Korea: FiGhTiNg CoMmUnIsM

World War 2: We had a good reason to fight, sure. Everyone can agree Nazis are bad. We didn't step in an help right away though. We waited and even then it wasn't our freedoms in peril yet. It was more about looking tough. If it had been about freedoms we would have entered the war sooner.

Not to mention all the absolute crap we've done to help prop up dictators and banana republics in the name of democracy.

We've literally only ever invaded other countries.

Those soldiers you're so hyped up about? Most of them (barring draftees but even they had a choice to refuse to pick up a gun) chose that life. They chose to stay in those situations after seeing the war crimes America commits.

As for fighting? You're right. I used to be able to kick ass and take names. Now I'm older and wiser. So I know better than to fight.

Why not leave America? America was built on the idea that a government power must be willing to change and have a citizenry holding it accountable. To leave the country rather than fighting to make a better place, would be irresponsible.

Real change doesn't come from killing others. It comes from helping each other.