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AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_iv28ltr wrote

What I want, what I think will make this country actually work well, will likely never happen bc you cannot solve individual problems as if they exist in a vacuum. We cannot reform our way out of this piecemeal. What point am i trying to make? I'm not even sure anymore. It's disorienting and depressing to always feel like you're trying to navigate to simply a less bad situation but never to a good one


brick1972 t1_iv2giep wrote

It's a really tough location because the NBC and all the remnants of the industrial waterfront make it hard to link this site to anything else other than up toward Newport Ave.

The best solution to provide housing and density would be something like 800 affordable housing units in the plaza where stop and shop was on Newport Ave then try to bring Newport Ave a little more development that is not "building with setback from street surrounded by asphalt" but I'm not sure you'll get any developers to bite.

Also the Hope Market is a food pantry IIRC.


ToadScoper t1_iv2ryhh wrote

Lol Newport Ave is a total beast onto itself and the town is letting it sink further and further, it’s a dangerous stroad that’s overstayed it’s welcome. All the atrociously dilapidated/abandoned strip malls and structures along there should have been razed years ago and rezoned for better (and denser) mixed land usage with affordable housing


AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_iv2ntzm wrote

I think the biggest problem you laid out there is the need to get developers interested. The state should be building housing to rent out or sell just above break-even with profit cycled back into the treasury, instead of these neofeudal landleeches sucking our blood and resources.