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StonksGuy3000 t1_ivklsaz wrote

>it got me wondering, is there not some kind of fraud happening there?

Is this not an accusation in your mind?

If you'd like a more succinct answer to your question, it's as follows: NO


Bobisadrummer OP t1_ivknchw wrote

Oh it definitely was, but that’s because the car with FL plates was driven by an old white guy with a “fuck biden” and a thin blue line sticker. I didn’t mention this shit cause I wasn’t trying to sway opinions or answer. I was trying to get unbiased answers which apparently this sub unable to provide.


StonksGuy3000 t1_ivkuk1d wrote

Well, we gave you some unbiased answers, so hopefully that helps. Without knowing the full context of your experience, I and everyone else seemingly concluded that you shouldn’t be concerned about election fraud based on the available evidence.