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HauntingAd4349 OP t1_ivmv4mt wrote

Haha tell me you have zero clue about this states decline without telling me you have zero clue…go back under your rock


NitronicFury t1_ivmvntl wrote

“Decline” bro we are top 10 in almost every measure of human development except “business” (read: billionaires siphoning wealth from the lower classes)


HauntingAd4349 OP t1_ivmw2pg wrote

We’re no near top 10 for anything but great try. Your right though we’re definitely not a state you should start a business in


NitronicFury t1_ivmxvo5 wrote

9th in Healthcare, 7th in Crime/Corrections (USNWR)

14th in American HDI (Measure of America)

15th in education (Bachelor’s or higher, USCB)

8th in least violent crime (FBI)

These are just from a few minutes of research…we are very lucky to live in such a great State. If you disagree you’re happy to go live in a failing crime-ridden red stare Republican paradise that disenfranchises minority rights and where everyone is on welfare from OUR tax dollars


HauntingAd4349 OP t1_ivmytlz wrote

Education #39 Infrastructure #49 Economy #28 Opportunity #32 Fiscal stability #44

Let’s talk about things that actually matter…yes healthcare being #9 is great and sure not having a high crime rate is great don’t get me wrong but my few minutes just proved your comments to be useless


NitronicFury t1_ivmzsfx wrote

Yeah let’s talk about infrastructure, Fung woulda been a vote to kill the BIP hypocrite

Also the “party of fiscal responsibility” fucked over the middle and lower class with tax cuts for billionaires that have repeatedly done NOTHING for regular people, and their temporary benefits are expiring and you blame the Democrats

“Economy” “opportunity” not only are these not terrible rankings for the smallest state and bottom 10 in population, PEOPLE are meant to live here, not corporations. We are not data points for rich people to manipulate to make money off of us. Regardless Fung is not your guy for that, at least Magaziner has extensive financial experience


mhhkb t1_ivmw3d0 wrote

Oh no! Illegals!! Runnnn! Ahhhh!


HauntingAd4349 OP t1_ivmxe6m wrote

Lmfao not even close to what I’m talking about but keep on trying.
