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Jack__Squat t1_iy9ubq3 wrote

I've never seen an article or study that this is actually happening. I've seen plenty that say it's possible. Or that we may get some opt-in feature for a cost savings, but I've never read that it's being done by force. I've had 2 smart thermostats for almost 10 years, not once has my heat gone down without me changing it. Why would they even want to. Assuming a grand conspiracy is in place the oil barons pulling the strings would want me to burn more oil or use more juice so they can bill me.


TwinFinTriggerFish t1_iy9vr7g wrote

No no conspiracy. I'm not that type. Nuts sure not tin foil though. I'm more talking about ok I set it low when I leave. It freezes and locks up. I come home it isn't warm and I am now stuck. I don't think they would turn it down on me