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Proof-Variation7005 t1_iwcpgif wrote

It's possible that investigation was on the level. An alibi of "dude was working and nowhere near that bar all night" should be enough.

But it's really hard to have confidence that's the case because law enforcement have abused the public trust for way too fucking long.


sporkemon t1_iwctwja wrote

> The tavern was closed when an East Greenwich officer went to inquire whether it had a video camera, the police report said, without further elaboration.

I guess the investigation went like this

trooper: hello, may I have one security camera footage please

tavern: we're closed

trooper: understandable, have a good day


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iwcxrya wrote

That part doesn't really strike me as odd. A suburban dumpy old dive bar not having security cameras in 2012 would have been pretty normal and unsurprising, as would a local suburban cop doing a piss-poor job of clearly writing that on a report. Hell, I know of a LOT of places in Providence that didn't even have cameras 10 years ago.

Plus, at the time, there's no real reason to suspect anyone specific, much less a state trooper.