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Steveesq t1_ixx2kw4 wrote

Simple... there is a new Supreme Court case from this summer that changes the standard. The California AWB (Assault Weapons Ban) is set to be decided within the next month or so... and it looks like it will be overturned.

The MA AWB is a carbon copy of CA. If the court rules the CA AWB is unconditional under this new standard... then ALL AWBs are by definition unconstitutional. I belive the MA ban is being challenged as well under this new standard but I'm not sure.


glennjersey t1_ixx7lb1 wrote

Small caveat.

The CA mag ban is under jurisdiction of the 9CA. A ruling there is not binding to anyone outside of that jurisdiction.

It would be great case law, but we'd need a victory in the 1CA to affect MA and RI.