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slimsady2 t1_iywgpmo wrote

The one in Ashaway. I'd rather go to the North Stonington location by Exit 93.


RangerRick379 t1_iyx3dx1 wrote

Seriously this one sucks, I left a review detailing how they screwed up my wife’s coffee. She ordered a cold brew, and they gave her watered down dark roast. When confronted, they admitted that they add water to some of the coffees to make them last longer. What a shit show.


slimsady2 t1_iyx4040 wrote

I only order medium iced made regular. Pretty straight forward and simple drink (this coming from someone who has worked at Dunkin before). Last time I ordered one from there, it was layered. Sugar. Coffee. Cream. I asked if they could blend it up better and the cashier swirled my drink around twice in her hands and gave it back to me…


basketofselkies t1_iyxki2n wrote

My husband used to complain about this one when he worked down there. He said the only thing they couldn't screw up was the bathroom and even that was debatable some days. He also went to N. Stonington as long as he had enough time on his break


SwizzleMeThis t1_iyy4yag wrote

Ashaway DD just can’t seem to get it together . Junk and Java is about 12 ish minutes away into Westerly , and worth the drive !


mossattacks t1_iyy6ld0 wrote

The one off of exit 92 once served my friend a smashed up bagel. As if they threw it on the floor and stomped on it


iarmit t1_iyy8xqb wrote

Oof. I've used this one a lot since I moved to Westerly last year and have yet to have an issue. I believe you, because it's a dunks, I just haven't run into it yet... I'm hoping not to


slimsady2 t1_iyyawmp wrote

Oh yeah. That one off 92 sucks. I avoid that one.


shellsri t1_iz2ybcq wrote

my brain can’t even handle how terrible this one is. and why is there always a guy wearing a tank top in the parking lot?!


slimsady2 t1_iz2zli8 wrote

That’s Ashaway Mike. He has a mental disability. That Dunkin let’s him work there when he can. He’s a big Celtics fan.