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t1_iz698wo wrote

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I always keep a safe driving distance regardless. If somebody wants to tailgate me, fine, but when they rear end me, it's their fault. It's my fault if them hitting me causes me to hit the car in front of me.


t1_izev3fr wrote

You’re definitely right but at the same time you also have to wonder: “if they hit me…” 1) and their car is drivable, will they pull over/stop? 2) Do they have car insurance? 3) Could I get hurt?

I’ve already been rear ended in a hit and run once (I was extremely lucky to only end up with some scratches on my bumper— it happened on an exit ramp). So I’m going to try to avoid the risk, especially in the high speed lane, if I can safely move over 1 lane and let the jackasses just go past me to go off and ride someone else’s bumper.