Submitted by t3_zvt029 in RhodeIsland

I know this is a long shot, but hey, people talk and this is Reddit.

Someone hit my pregnant wife, and my 18 month old son at the intersection of Diamond Hill Rd and Bellingham St in Woonsocket at ~5:15pm on Christmas Eve. They did not stop, and have not come forward the last few days. We tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, but clearly this person is a coward. If anyone knows anything, please shoot me a private message.

Sorry if this goes against rule 4. Just trying to speed up the process any way I can.



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t1_j1r4jc9 wrote

Don’t have info for you but just here to say I hope your wife and child are doing ok.


OP t1_j1r5ssx wrote

They are doing well. He had a great Christmas, and the accident will be nothing but a blip in time for him. Thank you for the kind words.


t1_j1rif02 wrote

Jfc. Dude, no info but I hope all is well on your end.


OP t1_j1riu6b wrote

All is well. Small inconvenience for us. Hopefully a bigger one for them.


t1_j1schzy wrote

I hope your family is okay! Do you have the Nextdoor app? If you don’t it might be worth it to post this on there. Someone in the area might have footage. If not Nextdoor, try the “ring” app. You don’t have to have a ring to post and ask others for footage. Best if luck to you all


t1_j1rpz87 wrote

A little further down there are a few stores that have security cameras, maybe you can contact the manager of the store and explain the situation they will let you look at the recordings. Someone hit me at stop and shop and they let me check.


OP t1_j1rsz4i wrote

Definitely plan on checking the businesses out.


t1_j1rtfed wrote

It's a busy area, I hope you find them. I used to do a lot of Uber pickups in Woonsocket but I had too many close calls especially over by the hospital.


t1_j1s5gzj wrote

Reach out to Swagat Indian Food. Looking at google maps they had, and might still have, a security camera that faces the intersection.


t1_j1rly8u wrote

You probably have already thought of this, but are there any businesses/homes that could have cameras in that area?


OP t1_j1rnq24 wrote

There is a house/apartment on each corner of the intersection. I plan to take look to see if either have cameras. If they do, I will ask if they could provide footage of that time frame.


t1_j1rnh6a wrote

This seems like the way to go

... go around to all the businesses in the area with external cameras, tell them what happened and ask if they'd be willing to look through their footage.

Make sure you have the date and approximate time that it happened to make looking for said footage easier for all parties


OP t1_j1rq3vp wrote

I agree. I wanted to wait until after the holiday weekend until I start to bother people.


t1_j1rviaw wrote

Sorry to hear this, hope you family is ok. Coward is right.


t1_j1rw2qp wrote

I am happy that your wife and child are ok. If the police are involved, they should be checking the cameras, not you. They can get a warrant for the footage. A business does not have to show you anything, even though you explained why.


OP t1_j1rwjph wrote

I know they do not have to show me anything. It never hurts to ask.

Also, I don’t think a hit and run is at the top of the police department’s list of things to tackle around an already short staffed force. If I can be of any help to them and my family I am going to.


t1_j1s7uki wrote

It wouldn’t hurt to just make a police report. It would be pretty quick and could lead to something, you never know. Maybe other people saw them driving recklessly trying to get away after they drove off or or even witnessed the situation with your wife and reported it. Did your wife see who it was?


OP t1_j1s8wen wrote

A police report has been filed, and a detective has been assigned. The department made it clear that due to the holidays processing will be delayed. They LEO who was on scene was very helpful and attentive.


t1_j1slrtp wrote

There is a FB Woonsocket Police/ fire scanner group which is moderated and often deals with these types of issues. People are in general helpful on the page and someone may have been a witness.


t1_j1sa62y wrote

Jesus what a horrible event i hope your wife and child are fine. Prayers to you


t1_j1so5ou wrote

Need more details than that, pretty sure she's probably shooken up but anything helps.

Was it a sedan, truck, color, generally newer or older vehicle etc Where they sideswipped, rear ended, tboned What color is your car? Some of your paint will be imprinted into the car.


OP t1_j1sqlss wrote

According to her, it was a dark color SUV. Her SUV is a dark gray. She was driving straight through the intersection, and they decided to take a left hand turn without using a signal. She said she was hit by the front of their car. They made contact with her driver’s side corner (headlight area). After impact she said they backed up and went straight down wood ave (towards landmark hospital) instead of their intended left.


t1_j1v2ntu wrote

I used to use that intersection to go to work every night. Dude was probably drunk trying to dodge a DUI


OP t1_j1v30ip wrote

Such a bad intersection. People always run that light


t1_j1v3hhc wrote

Last year on New Years we saw an already totaled Camaro on wood ave slam into a pole and drive off, dude got a DUI and Hit and Run charge because the dummy parked on the street on wood ave. And walked home from there. I grew up in Woonsocket and it’s full of big brain energy