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Scouter1973 t1_j1rw2qp wrote

I am happy that your wife and child are ok. If the police are involved, they should be checking the cameras, not you. They can get a warrant for the footage. A business does not have to show you anything, even though you explained why.


bardown87 OP t1_j1rwjph wrote

I know they do not have to show me anything. It never hurts to ask.

Also, I don’t think a hit and run is at the top of the police department’s list of things to tackle around an already short staffed force. If I can be of any help to them and my family I am going to.


Kwt920 t1_j1s7uki wrote

It wouldn’t hurt to just make a police report. It would be pretty quick and could lead to something, you never know. Maybe other people saw them driving recklessly trying to get away after they drove off or or even witnessed the situation with your wife and reported it. Did your wife see who it was?


bardown87 OP t1_j1s8wen wrote

A police report has been filed, and a detective has been assigned. The department made it clear that due to the holidays processing will be delayed. They LEO who was on scene was very helpful and attentive.