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t1_j0v2f4s wrote

Gifting a pet on a holiday is never a good idea. You have no clue if the recipient is able to support a pet or even wants a pet!

Also, cats need almost as much work as dogs! They need attention, playtime, cleanup, and stimulation!

If you still insist on gifting a pet for Christmas, there are hundreds of cats in shelters across the state right now! Adopt!


OP t1_j0wuelt wrote

Thanks Mom /s … and yes I “insist” because it’s for us! And we know we want one. As for the amount of work, we know it’s not our first. We ended up with one from a shelter today so that advice is spot on! Thanks!!


t1_j0x1gqe wrote

I’m glad you got a shelter pet. We always have gotten pets from shelters.

Based on your post, I wasn’t sure if you were planning on it as a gift for someone else.

Don’t forget the obligatory kitty pic for tons of karma!


t1_j0vzebx wrote

Holidays are the worst time to get pets make sure to before hand teach your kids the importance of maintaining and caring for a pet. Cleaning and giving it attention


t1_j0zid85 wrote

why are you assuming kids are involved? adults can want a kitten. hell, I'd automatically distrust any adult that didn't want a kitten.


t1_j0vzo62 wrote

I checked a couple of the shelters/rescues I know of, and they both cross-post their animals to PetFinder, so that might be a good resource...find a cat on there, then check out where it's coming from and whether it's a place you want to support.


t1_j0wpwf6 wrote

Given the choice of the "we", I'm assuming this isn't some unexpected gift and recommend just trying petfinder, looking at shelter's websites directly. A lot of them list with petfinder.

I got my idiot cat from Providence Animal Rescue league but there's tons of great shelters. Kittens are usually in higher demand than older cats. If you look at PARL, I'd recommend Business Man. I like his vibe. If my existing idiot cat could possibly tolerate it, I'd bring him home right now.


t1_j0zt1zn wrote

Potter league or Providence Animal Rescue League are good folks who take the time to make sure you’re a good fit!


OP t1_j15tngt wrote

Well we went there, found a kitten, filled out the paperwork. They said it would take a few days. After three days we called and they said they were waiting on our vet?? Any way we gave them an extra day, and still no call. We called them and got someone who said there was a block on our file at the vets ... and what do you know ... someone else got our kitten. No phone call, nothing. We called the vet that we have a 25 year long relationship with, and they never heard of such a thing. Those assholes at EPARL gave the kitten to someone else and didn’t even have the balls to let us know. Asswipes...

Well ... Merry Christmas anyway

(edited to show it was East Providence ... not Providence)


t1_j15uzud wrote

I’m so sorry! We haven’t had a problem with them before!


OP t1_j15x5fb wrote

Thanks ... things happen, but I’d be willing to bet the adopter was someone’s friend. Our vet was as surprised about the “block” on our file as we were LOL! Crappy excuse to cover up something that should have not happened. A little integrity might have gone a long way..


OP t1_j19pt2j wrote

Jumping back in here to say it wasn't PARL ... it was East Providence.

We did get a new friend from PARL today! So I'll work on pictures.