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Cash50911 t1_j19xony wrote

Our school system starts vacation tomorrow....


Jack__Squat t1_j19z39r wrote

In rural areas, wind and ice can mean widespread power outages. Being the last day for a lot of districts it was going to be a movie day anyway so hell with it, not worth the risk.


huh_phd t1_j1a6eu5 wrote

No it's gunna be totally fine (please panic after I get my regularly scheduled shopping done) /s


katieleehaw t1_j1a7di2 wrote

Idk, I decided to finish my shopping today though in case it really seems unsafe. I do have one client to visit tomorrow and I am assuming I will be able to.


Dunder72 t1_j1aixdf wrote

Thank goodness I built a few windmills recently to generate electricity.


Previous_Floor t1_j1an12a wrote

The thing is, after the storm, we're looking at zero degree wind chills. Without power, that's brutal.


gravytrain2112 t1_j1b0pm3 wrote

Cumberland closed schools because if someone breathes on the power lines the wrong way the town loses power. Expected gusts will definitely cause some outages there.


climb-high t1_j1b9i9u wrote

I feel like the roads are gonna be fucked with trees and there will be power outages throughout the day... hopefully not overnight.


jam__1 t1_j1by4z2 wrote

60 knot wind gusts will do some damage to trees. Stay off the back roads if you can.


reddit_beats_chive t1_j1c1jr0 wrote

Gonna be fine , teachers just like more time off… like when they all wanted to work from home after covid. Tough working 180 days a year.


_-finstall-_ t1_j1cly5b wrote

Just a guess… When there are high winds in rural school districts, trees fall and roads become impassable… Buses can’t complete their routes… Karen’s freak out and call the schools to complain.
