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wormholeweapons t1_j5topkn wrote

So. I strongly suggest asking questions before assuming. While I am white. My wife isn’t. So when we are driving yeah. We are targeted and have been. As our our kids 2 of the 3 are driving age. It’s a bit of the “talking down” when you are explaining to someone something they live through daily.

And it still doesn’t negate the NO. Usually cops are looking out for speeding and reckless behavior. I don’t have the time normally to identifying the ethnicity of another driver as their passing me. Anymore than most cops can either. The majority of racially motivated and targeting happens when the officer FOLLOWS someone and looks up their info and/or takes the time to identify the driver.

Flashing at someone hauling ass past you that there is a cop ahead is warning them for only one of two reasons 1) slow down it’s a speed trap or 2) slow down there is an emergency incident ahead.

And I’d flash someone for 2. But definitely not for 1. I want them pulled over and given a ticket dammit.


SqueakieDeekie OP t1_j5u383c wrote

I’m not talking down or making any assumptions about you, just sharing another point based on my experience. Some cops definitely target certain groups of people and do random pullovers. I’m not suggesting that drivers check to see who is driving and flash brights at specific groups. Just that if you give every car a quick warning flash, some people who get routinely targeted by cops might appreciate the few moments of warning.