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BMorris2526 t1_j3e43i5 wrote

One could argue that RI is too small to be a state.


Mg962 t1_j3een45 wrote

And one could argue that North and South Dakota do not have enough people to be seperate states or Wyoming for that matter.


UncleJimmee t1_j3ebxvq wrote

eh i dunno. we don't fit in w either mass or ct so im happy being our own state.


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j3e63zu wrote

Pretty much but I don't know what it should do I think that Washington County Rhode Island Kent County Rhode Island New London and Windham County Connecticut should become its own state the rest of Connecticut can you go with New York and Providence and Bristol and Newport County can go to Massachusetts


xanderg102301 t1_j3f6mr9 wrote

I'd rather the entire state of Rhode island burn to the ground than let this happen


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j3gm08d wrote

Yeah what I don't want the whole state to burn down I don't want any of the beautiful States here to burn down this is my homeland


xanderg102301 t1_j3hmtx3 wrote

So your homeland can be absorbed into two other states for all you care?


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j3iowbd wrote

I suppose I mean I would really prefer if we went back to turtle island before the white man "civilized" this area because the government made it a whole lot worse


xanderg102301 t1_j3j7tpl wrote

Then you'd probably live in Europe


BMorris2526 t1_j3eszmh wrote

Arguably, all of NE should be one state.


xanderg102301 t1_j3f6ku2 wrote

No, this is a purely stupid take


BMorris2526 t1_j3f8xl7 wrote

I love the down votes. This has nothing to do with politics. RI is smaller than most counties in bigger states.


xanderg102301 t1_j3fbc21 wrote

I didn't say it was about politics either. It's about culture


New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j3gkjcc wrote

No it is way too culturally different in North and South in my eyes I think New England should probably be a country adding the states of New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Quebec and the Atlantic provinces of Canada