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A_Ghost___Probably t1_j3hw5kq wrote

It's the delivery rates that are insane imo, was the supply charge half as much as your delivery charge as well?


CoffeeMilkSteaks t1_j3i1xph wrote

Yeah my entire bill was $160. $105 was delivery and $55 for supply. The biggest jump for me was peak usage. Most of my usage in previous months was off peak usage. Im guessing now that its winter its all considered peak usage and thus charged at a higher rate. I also had a big jump in distribution adjustment charges. I tried looking to see what exactly that is and it seems like its just something they make up to charge more.


A_Ghost___Probably t1_j3i69w6 wrote

Was your delivery cost a similar ratio of your bill in past years before RI Energy took over?


CoffeeMilkSteaks t1_j3i8mvq wrote

I bought my house at the end of February last year so I don't have anything to compare between National Grid and RI Energy.