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newtoRI22 t1_j4hssda wrote

Reply to comment by Augnelli in Employee masking forbidden? by s16016wb

Bad faith? Are those italics supposed to be my words?

> It's not airborne or in water droplets! It's in small droplets of water that are airborne!

I never said it wasn’t airborne. I said that surgical masks aren’t meant to protect against aerosols. (Ironic that you say I’m arguing in bad faith while you falsely imply I hold positions that I do not.)

Would you do asbestos remediation with a surgical mask? Surely not. (Asbestos particles span both droplet and aerosol sizes.) You would select an appropriate respirator for the job.

A proper respirator seals around your nose and mouth to prevent the aerosols from coming in. An N95 can do that reasonably well for viruses when proper fit is achieved. A surgical mask can’t because they are not designed to seal. They’re designed to capture spittle droplets from the wearer.