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dupattaluella t1_j4q7e40 wrote

Reply to comment by rye8901 in Best bbq in RI/MA? by rye8901

You can't listen to the reccomendations of people who have never been where you've been. I learned this the hard way after moving out east years ago. We lived near the Twin Cities and had access to so much amazing food. Nothing, not even restaurants in Boston, have lived up to reccomendations.

I will say there's a place in CT called Oz N Bones that has decent BBQ. Is it as good as down south? No. But, it gets me my fix when I'm wanting BBQ and I'm in the area. I wouldn't drive more than about 30-45 minutes for it though, just being honest.


MavDrake t1_j4qljb6 wrote

I second this. I've lived all over the US and if you've had good southern and Midwest BBQ then not much it going to come close in the northeast.

When people ask for recommendations in the NE area I'll say if you're from a BBQ mecca then most of it is shit. But if you're not... here are some places to check out.