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Proof-Variation7005 t1_j4v975d wrote

Except no? The constitution doesn’t get amended with the intention of it being temporary. The 16th amendment could not be clearer.

And no, taxation is not the largest expense. As someone else pointed out, nearly half the country pays little to income tax. For the bulk of the middle class and even the upper class, it is maybe 25-30% of income.


littylikeatit t1_j4v9pv8 wrote

Lol taxes are the biggest expense for Americans idk what to tell you. You could say that’s good or bad, and we could agree to disagree, but it’s true. Yes income tax was initially a temporary measure, then in 1913 a measure for the richest 1%.


littylikeatit t1_j4vb00k wrote

There was income tax prior to 1913


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j4vsq53 wrote

And? That was temporary. Income tax, as established in in the 16th amendment, was meant to be permanent and expandable as necessary to fund the government.


littylikeatit t1_j4vb2xa wrote

And the fact you use a fact checker to go back n forth online is an L


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j4vsffx wrote

Because I’m not going to type a big long thing about how wrong you are when someone else already did it for me. Cause make no mistake about it, you are embarrassingly wrong.