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degggendorf t1_j4yljol wrote

So then doesn't that invalidate what you just said about being in the RI subreddit and only talking about RI taxes?


littylikeatit t1_j4ylnqa wrote

How would McKee change federal income tax?


degggendorf t1_j4ymejk wrote

Changing the subject when clearly caught in a lie. Classic right wing tactic.


littylikeatit t1_j4ymkn7 wrote

Bruh I’m not right wing. Nice Reddit logic, if someone disagrees with me they must be the opposite political party. You really think taxes aren’t too high?


degggendorf t1_j4yn7vp wrote

>Bruh I’m not right wing

Didn't say you were

>must be the opposite political party

Ironic how you immediately assumed my party, after chastising me for doing so

>You really think taxes aren’t too high?

Overall? Nope. I've already outlined my thoughts in this thread.

But don't think you've successfully distracted from the fact that you made a false claim about tax expenses, then zig zagged back and forth whether you were talking about RI taxes or not. You're allowed to admit you were wrong and learned something, going through these theatrics to avoid correcting your initial claim just makes you look worse.


littylikeatit t1_j4ynsjk wrote

You’re a fool sorry man


degggendorf t1_j4yo7gx wrote

Classic, resort to name-calling


littylikeatit t1_j4yoe7u wrote

Sorry I don’t want to argue over taxes online


degggendorf t1_j4yotj1 wrote

Okay so then why did you start talking about them in the first place, then proceed to make a dozen comments more trying to cover for your fallacy?

Simply not talking was always an option.