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User0098237490 t1_j60cm6l wrote

Yes, stop bitching & suck it up or go do something to try and change it.

People already tried protesting the rise in energy prices, it did nothing, bitching about it does nothing, so now it’s time to stfu about it and deal with it.


A_Ghost___Probably t1_j60qa9g wrote

And im assuming discussion isn't a step to changing something to you? Are you annoyed at people posting about this again and again or are you annoyed at how reddit pretty much encourages people to make new threads?


User0098237490 t1_j60ulc3 wrote

It’s not a lively discussion talking about potential solutions to the problem, it’s just people bitching about it.

I’m more pissed that the moderators allow the same bullshit to be posted over and over again filling up the sub with a bunch of people either bitching about the drivers in this state or about the energy price increases.


Sarcofaygo t1_j61myxs wrote

So true. Everyone should bottle up their resentment until they are brimming with seething rage oozing out of their pores and stop complaining. That way they can be as cool and level headed as you! =) /s


User0098237490 t1_j61nk64 wrote

Jesus people on Reddit are dumb.

As if angrily writing a Reddit post in the RI subreddit about some bullshit is the only way to let out your anger and resentment.

You’re a dope.


Sarcofaygo t1_j61owek wrote

Why are you so mad tho

Why can't you just turn off the phone

Nobody is forcing you to read this thread or really any other thread, let alone respond