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LuxInteriot t1_j9f3ncj wrote

IBM 1301 was the size of a large cabinet, had 80MB storage and costed U$ 115 k. It was launched in 1961. I've never came close to something like that in my life, but it's no mystery to me - storage was pricey and minimal. I think it's the other way around - think of a computer technician from the 60s being thawed from a cryogenic chamber and hearing about storage sizes and bit transfer rate these days.


prettypistolgg OP t1_j9f45p2 wrote

Oh for sure. I've seen old computers that took up entire rooms and had less power than our phones today. I just remember needing a flash drive for university and having to spend $100 just to get a reasonable amount of storage. This was only 12 years ago but it didn't take long for flash storage to get mostly phased out of everyday use.