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YachtingChristopher t1_jad1d3o wrote


To practice something is to do it over and over again to CAUSE different results.


jayedgar06 t1_jad5nxp wrote

I understand the insanity definition. But the definition is “doing the same thing over and over” practice is doing something and getting new results and moving onto something harder


vankamperer OP t1_jad945i wrote

practice is playing the same piano piece, hitting the same tennis stroke, etc. expecting better results each time. i rest my shower thought..


willsmithsrightpalm t1_jadfr35 wrote

You missed the whole part about actively assessing your technique, identifying weaknesses to work on, taking advice from experts, building muscle memory, etc.

Tell me you're not good at anything without telling me you're not good at anything.


vankamperer OP t1_jae8tq7 wrote

which is why the belabored cliche about insanity, incorrectly attributed to Albert Einstein, is flatly wrong... because it fails to take into account many other variable factors like learning and chance, etc.


willsmithsrightpalm t1_jae99pk wrote

What? No. Somehow you're confusing insanity with practice.

His quote is literal. Like if you were trying to figure out a math problem, but got into a loop of literally using the same equations and numbers every single time instead of trying new formulas. Like no matter how many times you put 2+2 in your calculator it will always say 4.

Idk how you misinterpreted that so poorly.


Niche_Humor t1_jad2p0h wrote

Keep practicing your shower thoughts. You'll get better at it.


vankamperer OP t1_jad6jgb wrote

in other words, a different result..


Niche_Humor t1_jad6x2s wrote

Yes. This conversation is silly, you know it, and are getting exactly the result you want...


Darkassassin07 t1_jad1h72 wrote

Perfect, so to become good at something is to delve into the depths of insanity.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jad0ja0 wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


superkuper t1_jaddinn wrote

That’s not how practice works. Repeating something doesn’t make you better necessarily. You need to change things as you go to actually improve.

My band teacher used to harp on the fact that, “practice makes permanent” not practice makes perfect.


No_Pear6551 t1_jaf04wd wrote

My band director in high school always said, "Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes permanent."